Monday, March 11, 2013

Hats off to Dr. Seuss!

Read Across America Week

Thank you so much to our Guest readers who came and read to our class for Read Across America Week!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Classroom Valentine Fun!!!

Bowling trip

Our PE teachers took the kids on a bowling field trip. We had a blast! Thanks Mrs. Glaze and Mrs. Wadsworth!

"David's Drawing"

Our class read a book called "David's Drawing". The book is about a little boy named David who drew a picture of a tree that he saw on the way to school. His friends at school then started adding one thing at a time to the drawing until they created a class picture. After the story we created 2 class pictures ourselves. Each person added one thing to the picture at a time.

Happy Birthday Christopher!

100th Day of School

In January, we celebrated the 100th day of school! We did lots of fun things with the number 100. For snack we counted out and ate 100 bites of snack! We had so much fun!